Tag Archives: stress and working out

…Beating the Winter Blues…

If any of you are like me, this cold…gloomy…overcast…windy weather does indeed have an effect on my mood!  Some days I am not as peppy as other days…


I have found over the years that during the winter season I am not as happy or as motivated to get things done.  This can be due to the lack of sunshine and the cold weather I deal with everyday.  But one thing that is always a pick me up is working out.

With the new year just starting this is a great time to start to plan out your new routine, get your menus schedules, and get working on that awesome body you have always wanted!

It has been scientifically proven that partaking in regular fitness activities can help limit or minimize depression!  Exercising can help boost your mood during the gloomy winter season as well as lower some people’s rate of depression.   Incorporating your new regular workout routine can also have other great benefits!
It can help you lower (or even get rid of) the build up stress you may have from work or other situations that go on in your life.  It can also boost your self-esteem and even improve your sleep! There is a great article at WebMD that goes into more detail on how this works so take some time and check it out!

So if you are feeling sad or low.  Tired and sluggish.  Stressed out or even depressed. Try adding a new workout routine to your weekly schedule and see if it will help improve your mood, feelings, and even your health!

Also, please do not forget the holiday health challenge that is being put on by BeautifulBrwnBabyDol! It’s never too late to start being healthy!

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